October 2019 Demonstration![]() Kathleen Scoggin (kathleenscoggin.com) is a multimedia artist and instructor located in the Southern California desert. Kathleen is a contemporary abstract artist working in watercolor, acrylic and mixed media. Her work is inspired by nature and expresses organic subjects inviting the viewer to see and be aware of the beauty around them. The work is based on unique texture techniques to describe the varied earth forms that are all around us. Her art is created to help the viewer see and be aware of the electrifying beauty of nature but still create mystery. She paints commissioned portraits of dogs and cats of all breeds.JURIED & JUDGED EXHIBITIONS: San Diego Watercolor Society, Coachella Valley Watercolor, Palm Springs Art Museum Artist Council Exhibition, Riverside County Date Festival, Lake Oswego Festival of Arts, Watercolor Society of Oregon, Village Gallery of Art, Pacific Northwest Plein Air Show, Oregon Society of Artists, Rose Festival Art Show. INVITATIONAL AND GROUP EXHIBITS: Two Woman Exhibit – Two Babes With Brushes, Palm Desert Visitors Center & Desert Art Center; Art On The Edge Group Show UCR -Palm Desert; Lake Oswego Visions Invitational, Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts, Lakewood Art Association; Art in the Burbs, Frame Central Solo Exhibition; Art Media Show, Art Exhibit in Portland City Commissioner’s Offices. AWARDS: Multiple Awards, San Diego Watercolor Society; Multiple Best in Shows, Coachella Valley Watercolor Society; Best in Show & Judges Award of Excellence, Riverside County Date Festival; Best in Show, Coachella Valley Watercolor Society Plein Air Show EDUCATION: Basic Design, Fine Arts Coursework & Art History, Oregon State University, Portland State University & Chemeketa Community College, Dietetic Internship, Massachusetts General Hospital, B.S. Dietetics and Institution Management, Oregon State University Comments are closed.